This post was originally located under the NEWS menu heading, now moved to our new BLOG area, under the News category...
Eagle Boat Windows (EBW) was acquired by Eagle 3 Holdings Ltd on 22/11/19.
The business has relocated to new premises in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk and reopened on Monday 6/1/20. Contact numbers and email remain as before.
Neil and Sharonne (previous owners) continue to provide support to ensure a seamless handover and to maintain the excellent reputation EBW has achieved over the past 30 years.
The new company has two Directors, Rowland Smith and Tim Prescott who, along with Rowland’s wife Jenny form the EBW team you, as valued clients, will be served by.
For more details on Rowland, Tim and Jenny please clock on the 'Team' button in the footer below.