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Lids4Lend in Practice - Fitting a Lifeboat Lid
I thought it about time to test the theory and fit one myself. My 1990 Halmatic 30 has a now rare composite hatch from Canpa, made in...
Lewmar Opening Portlight Identification - Not so easy!
Don't rely on what's stamped on the acrylic to identify a portlight model. Instead, frame construction gives a more reliable guide.
Lids4Lend features in PBO (Practical Boat Owner)
Rupert Holmes from PBO describes Lids4Lend as a 'neat idea' in the New Gear section of the September 2020 issue.
Moray's guide to metals in the marine environment
A useful guide to the use of metals in the marine environment written by Moray MacPhail and previously published in Watercraft magazine
Reglazing the Windows on Toodle Pip (Moody 28)
Excellent article authored by Colin Shead discussing how he reinstalled windows on his Moody 28 after refurbishment by Eagle Boat Windows
Replacing a pane in Lewmar Old-Standard Opener
Replacing the panes in some Lewmar old-standard opening ports
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